Just love this:

"Plato is ‘elite’; a power hungry ‘aristo/merito crat’ decepticon³. Why live on just olives when you can be served by slaves as you influence governance."

"Plato revealed his definition of man as a ‘featherless biped’ -- a plucked chicken."

Thoughts on Democracy:

Athenian Democracy as created by Solon, was a Representative Tyranny benefiting the Archons at the expense of the common man. The central part of the control that Democracy offers is the illusion of choice to those who are willing to believe they have a say; this creates public acquiescence, a mind prison called legality, where some can write law, some are told to enforce it and the rest wear it around their necks like a yoke.

In the US, this is what has happened to Freedom, it has been put on a Leash called "Liberty." A dog on the end of a leash is said to have liberty, without the leash, he has freedom.

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Thanks:) I have a long feud with Plato. Or rather those brainwashed/trying to brainwash me on his awesomeness. I think it turns out inspirational at times.

The full Plato quote I mentioned above:

"I say that we should have begun at first by dividing land animals into biped and quadruped; and since the winged herd, and that alone, comes out in the same class with man, should divide bipeds into those which have feathers and those which have not, and when they have been divided, and the art of the management of mankind is brought to light, the time will have come to produce our Statesman and ruler, and set him like a charioteer in his place, and hand over to him the reins of state, for that too is a vocation which belongs to him."

Jokes aside, he can't be such a fool to really classify man with bird and not with mammal. I think he's making a rather clear authoritarian point.

Not sure how much of Athenian Democracy was by Solon. I haven't read on him in a while and info seems varied and lacking. It is mostly attributed to Cleisthenes, with the Pisistratid tyrants in between his and Solon's reforms. All that during messy plots and geopolitics, especially with then stronger Sparta and Persia. Cleisthenes' faction used the Spartans against the pro-Persian tyrants, betrayed the Spartan wish of an Oligarchy and formed a (for a while pro-Persian!) 'Democracy'. But, agreed on the general point.

I wrote some thoughts on democracy:


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